Highmark Resources

Safety for Life

Aiming for safety excellence

Without safety, not much else matters. There’s no point in building infrastructure projects if our teams are in danger while they build them. Aiming for safety excellence!

Building a safe culture and company starts with education and training. We train our team to recognize potential hazards and how to mitigate each hazard, before they’re a threat to anyone’s well-being. Working safely is a continuous discussion and state of mind on our projects, no matter where they’re located.

In case a hazard isn’t mitigated prior to work, or if conditions change — which they often do in Pacific Northwest — everyone at HMR has “Stop Work Authority.” This means that anyone can stop work at any time for any reason. Once the team stops work, they discuss what the potential hazard is, how to mitigate it, and how that hazard came to be in the first place before resuming work.

Safety is a team effort, and we’re proud to have a team that cares not just about their personal safety, but about the safety of everyone on the team — including the public or anyone else who’s affected by our projects.

Safety for life


By eliminating, engineering, shielding, mitigating, and controlling the hazard


By learning and developing our knowledge of safety


By developing our safety program and our relationships with others


By using defensive strategies and Stop Work Authority to eradicate accidents and injuries

Questions? Let’s connect.

If you want to know more about any aspect of our great company, we invite you to contact us at any time. We look forward to hearing from you!